Chinese Herbal Medicine And Acupuncture For Prevention Of Diabetes

Chinese herbal medicine can aid in the prevention of developing diabetes by treating pre-diabetes, or impaired glucose tolerance.

Individuals with impaired glucose tolerance are more at risk of developing diabetes, which may be prevented through lifestyle changes, medication and holistic therapies. Chinese herbal medicine formulas have been used often for this purpose.

Those with pre-diabetes have higher than normal blood sugar levels, and are advised by their practitioners to modify their diet to delay the advance to diabetes. Chinese herbs can stabilize blood sugar levels by increasing insulin and strengthening pancreatic function.

When combined with lifestyle changes, herbal formulas can be very effective in normalizing individuals’ blood sugar levels.

Diabetes, if left untreated, may cause health conditions such as hypoglycemia, chronic renal failure, cardiovascular disease, retinal damage, blindness, insufficient wound healing, and nerve damage, among other complications.

Type 2 diabetes symptoms are often mild or absent; frequent urination and increased thirst are the most common symptoms.

In addition to Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture has been shown to be effective in the prevention of diabetes as well as for improving diabetic symptoms and can be integrated into conventional care treatment of diabetes.

Acupuncture increases insulin production, improves blood circulation, stabilizes blood sugar by correcting endocrine system imbalances, and can aid in weight management. Acupuncture can treat overall health imbalances that may be present in addition to diabetes.

In an allopathic diabetes program, acupuncture is often combined with Chinese herbal formulas and conventional diabetes medication. Chinese herbal formulas can strengthen the effects of acupuncture by correcting individual pattern imbalances and produces no adverse side effects or contraindications. Chinese herbal formulas can aid in reducing the occurrence of diabetic symptoms between acupuncture treatments.

For information about Acupuncture & Massage College’s Oriental Medicine and Massage Therapy programs call Joe Calareso, Admissions Director, at (305) 595-9500.

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