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Vitamin D Deficiency And Asthma

Written by Acupuncture & Massage College | February 15, 2010

Individuals with asthma may experience a worsening in asthmatic symptoms if they have a vitamin D deficiency, according to a new study.
Vitamin D can affect lung function and asthmatic treatment. "Our findings suggest that low vitamin D levels are associated with worse asthma," says lead researcher Dr. E. Rand Sutherland, from the division of pulmonary and critical care medicine at National Jewish Health in Denver.
Vitamin D is found in several dietary sources such as milk, fish and fish oils and eggs. In addition, the sun increases production of vitamin D; as little as 10 to 15 minutes of sun exposure can help to prevent deficiencies.
Health benefits of vitamin D:
• Maintains calcium balance.
• Regulates blood pressure.
• Strengthens immunity.
• Prevents viral infections.
"It may be that vitamin D is acting as a modifier of the immune system or a modifier of steroid response in ways that are relevant to people with asthma,” adds Sutherland. The study appears in the January 28 edition of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
Findings indicate that a vitamin D deficiency may be linked to an increased inflammation and constriction of the airways. Restoring normal vitamin D levels in people with asthma may help to improve the respiratory condition.
Acupuncture & Massage College’s Community Clinic offers acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and massage for the treatment of asthma as well as a wide range of health conditions. To schedule an appointment call (305) 595-9500. For information about AMC’s Oriental Medicine and Massage Therapy programs ask for Joe Calare