Blog | Acupuncture and Massage College | Miami, FL

Keeping Abreast of New Treatments at AMC

Written by Acupuncture & Massage College | February 21, 2008

March comes in like a lion at the Acupuncture & Massage College with an aggressive, “dual-action” study to find a treatment for painful breasts. The new three-month study at AMC will test the effectiveness of both a special prescription of Chinese Herbal Medicine and a Homeopathic formula to treat fibrocystic breasts.

According to, having fibrocystic breasts is a common condition in women aged 30 to 50, where there are benign lumps in the breasts. These lumps, although harmless, may cause extreme tenderness and discomfort, especially around the sufferer’s menstrual cycle.

The college is calling for women aged 30 to 50 to participate. They will be given a painless, no X-ray, no-contact Thermogram test at the beginning and at the end of the study. The Thermogram is a test that uses the heat radiating from the body to create infra-red images to detect any abnormalities. Inflammations such as fibrocystic breasts give off heat, so the Thermogram is useful in determining the treatment’s efficacy.

Testing begins on March 15 at 8 a.m. at the Acupuncture & Massage College located at 10506 N. Kendall Drive, Miami, FL, 33176. There will be a nominal fee for the Thermogram, of $75, which is less than ½ of a standard Thermogram cost. For more information call 305.867.7716, or 954.431.4352. For information about the Acupuncture & Massage College, please visit