Blog | Acupuncture and Massage College | Miami, FL

How to Learn Massage Therapy

Written by Joe Calareso, Director of Admissions | July 5, 2016

Have you ever wished you could set your own work schedule? Or earn extra income doing something you love? Maybe you want to own your own business, or have dreamt of working abroad. If so, earning an associates degree in massage therapy could be your first step down an exciting new career path.

Why should you consider pursuing an associates degree in massage therapy? Here are some of the many benefits:

Qualifications: Pursuing a degree, rather than learning massage through an apprentice program, allows you to gain the knowledge you need to build a successful career in a structured environment. You’ll gain an in-depth understanding of the body that allows you to effectively treat and relieve pain, and be thoroughly prepared to pass the licensing exams you need to practice in the field.

Knowledge: By the time you finish your degree, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of the theory of massage therapy, including the background needed in anatomy, physiology and pathology. You’ll also have hands-on skills in specific areas like shiatsu, medical massage, Swedish massage and physical assessment and treatment techniques. In addition, you’ll be up-to-date on the latest in HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations and learn how to communicate effectively with patients.

Flexibility: Once you earn your degree, you’ll have a skill you can take anywhere! Whether you ultimately want to open your own practice, work in a chiropractic or clinical setting, or even find a position on a cruise ship, at a resort or in a luxury spa. For those with a yen for adventure, exciting opportunities exist overseas for those holding degrees in massage therapy. Massage is a mobile service, which makes it a great fit for those seeking additional income to supplement another job or those looking for a complete career change. Whatever your ultimate goal, the sky is the limit for qualified massage therapists!

To become a massage therapy professional requires attending an accredited massage therapy academy, school or college. Get started on your next adventure by talking to our Admissions Director, Joe Calareso today at (305)595-9500.