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Flexible Careers for Mothers: Massage Therapy

Written by Joe Calareso, Director of Admissions | July 19, 2016

Busy moms know that creating a regular, predictable schedule can be a challenge. That makes working typical office hours or any kind of full-time shift difficult, if not impossible.

Whether you just became a parent or have been juggling a busy family schedule for awhile, you might wonder what job combines a quality income with the advantage of picking your own hours. Does such a career even exist? Fortunately, if you’re looking for a new opportunity or flexible careers for mothers, massage therapy might be your calling.

Many of today’s massage therapists are most likely to enter the profession as a second career, according to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). Part of the industry’s appeal is its flexible work hours. Practitioners work an average of 20 hours per week giving massages, the AMTA says, not including hours spent on bookkeeping and other business tasks. You can work anywhere from a few hours a week to part-time to full-time hours, and adjust as needed.

Massage therapists work in a variety of settings, from home offices and medical settings to spas and resorts. The largest percentage work as sole practitioners and they earn, on average, $47 per hour, charging an average of $68 per hour. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects the employment of massage therapists to grow 22 percent from 2014 to 2024, which makes the profession a great bet for job security too. This is not to mention that you’ll be entering a field focused on helping people!

If you want employment that’s flexible in terms of both types of work settings and hours, consider massage therapy. Once you have a degree in field, you can take it anywhere. Decrease and increase the number of hours you work through the course of your career, based on your needs and availability — busy moms with new babies, for example, might find more time for work after children become school age. If your family ever needs to relocate, your skills can travel.

Learn more about the benefits of pursuing a degree and career in the field of massage therapy by contacting our admissions department at (305) 595-9500.