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Amma Massage

Written by Acupuncture & Massage College | February 15, 2007

AMMA MASSAGE, Copyright (c) 2007 Dr. Richard Browne.

Amma, (Japanese word for massage meaning “push-pull”) is an Asian bodywork therapy, one of the first formal methods of healing in Japan, based on the Chinese tradition of massage (anmo). Amma’s Taoist philosophy of healing dates back to the Chinese medical text, The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine (2697-2597 B.C.) Traditional amma massage is a medical therapy that includes diagnosis.

From the viewpoint of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), amma massage assesses flow and harmony of the five essential substances: qi (energy), jing (essence), shen (spirit), xue (blood), and jin-ye (body fluids). Amma massage holistically addresses the whole person through kata (choreographed movement) and pressure techniques. Amma techniques encompass pressing, stroking, stretching and percussive manipulations with thumbs, fingers, arms, elbows, knees, and feet on acupressure points along the body’s 14 meridians, or energy channels.

Amma either stimulates or sedates depending on individual constitution. The aim is to restore and promote health through correction of the imbalances of an individual’s qi or meridian system. Amma massage sessions may include herbal and exercise recommendations.

Amma massage therapy is effective in treatment of conditions including: Asthma/bronchitis, hypertension, arthritis, neuromuscular diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, chronic pain, sprains, and muscle strain. Amma increases circulation, improves flexibility of joints and soft tissue, enhances injury healing, circulates and drains lymphatic fluid, and strengthens the immune system through preventative treatment. Amma is not a specific massage technique, but rather a comprehensive combination of all forms of massage.

Amma is an extremely flexible style of massage therapy suited to a wide variety of client conditions and environments. For more information about amma massage or the Acupuncture & Massage College’s Massage Therapy program featuring a Shiatsu specialization, contact Dr. Richard Browne at (305) 595-9500.