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Acupuncture Saves Money and Time for In Vitro Fertilization Users

Written by Acupuncture & Massage College | February 10, 2008

Good news for couples trying to get pregnant through in vitro fertilization! A recent Fox News
report said that in vitro fertilization, or IVF, is maximized by complementing it with acupuncture treatment.

A scientific review funded by the National Institutes of Health’s National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) suggests that acupuncture might improve the odds of conceiving if done right before or after embryos are placed in the womb.

In acupuncture therapy for fertility, the body experiences an increase blood flow to the uterus, a relaxing the cervix and actually helps the body inhibit the production of "fight or flight" stress hormones that make it tougher for an embryo to implant. The study reported that the odds of conceiving went up about 65 percent for women given acupuncture.

IVF treatments typically run about costs around $12,000 per attempt, with patients making a minimum of three, so a treatment that improves its effectiveness will save couples thousands of dollars.

Fertility specialists are excited that this relatively inexpensive and simple treatment ca be integrated easily with modern methods.

The Results were published Friday in the British medical journal, BMJ.