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Acupuncture for Allergies

Written by Acupuncture & Massage College | January 27, 2008

Acupuncture for allergies usually results in less frequent colds, sinus headaches and congestion and increased energy. Improvement in allergy symptoms occurs after the first four to six acupuncture for allergies treatments for perennial or chronic allergy sufferers. Acupuncture for allergies minimizes asthma, fatigue, sinus headache, and other allergic reactions.

Acupuncture for allergies focuses on symptom relief while aiding the body’s capacity to regulate antigen-antibody reactions and process allergens. As a primary therapy modality or in combination with conventional medication, acupuncture effectively addresses the root cause of allergies by correcting the underlying immune system imbalance. Acupuncture for allergies is an effective alternative for those who cannot tolerate medications.

Allergy symptoms are frequently treated with antihistamine agents (antihistamines, nasal corticosteroids, allergy shots, and decongestants), which often treat symptoms by immune system suppression. Although allopathic medicine is effective at treating the allergic response, side effects such as drowsiness and insomnia cause many to seek alternative approaches, such as acupuncture for allergies, for allergy management.

By focusing on immune system balance, acupuncture can result in long-term allergy management. Acupuncture produces biochemical balance, which enhances the body’s natural healing abilities. Chinese herbal medicine and dietary modification may be prescribed in conjunction with acupuncture to lessen the effects of allergies. Itching, discharge and nasal congestion are often relieved during the first acupuncture for allergies treatment.

Acupuncture should be used preventatively when allergic reactions are not occurring. For some individuals, allergies can be managed with acupuncture for allergies maintenance treatments during seasonal changes. Individuals experiencing seasonal allergies should seek treatment a month prior to the start of the allergy season to lessen the effects of allergies.

For more information about acupuncture for allergies call Dr. Richard Browne, Acupuncture Physician and Homeopath, at (305) 595-9500. For Oriental Medicine and Massage Therapy program information ask for Joe Calareso.