Blog | Acupuncture and Massage College | Miami, FL

Acupuncture and Massage Schools

Written by Acupuncture & Massage College | November 28, 2007

Every week we get over 250 inquiries from prospective students for entry into our Acupuncture program. Many of them are from high school students who are just looking into it for future reference. There are many others who are in dead end jobs that want to train to become Acupuncture Physicians. I would like to address those students.

For openers thank you for your inquiry. We are at a place in time where this profession is about to burst forth upon the American healthcare system. Like gangbusters. When I got started in 1978 there was only one school of Acupuncture, today there are over 50 such schools. Should you decide to go into this profession I’d say to you, your future looks good, in fact very good. But do not delay as time passes the cost of entering and graduation from Acupuncture colleges is going up up up.

At the present time the cost of graduating from a four year Masters Program is within the range of $36,000 to $53,000. And for the most part you may be able to get financial aid in the form of federal loans and some grant monies also.

At the Acupuncture and Massage College we do our best to design our programs to fit the working student. That means we have classes both day and night. All students have the opportunity to sign up for either class and they are allowed to make changes during the semester. That is if you are a day student and you need to take care of business on Wednesday morning you can easily attend the night class to make up your missed class. The opposite is also true. As I said we have developed a curriculum to meet the needs of the working student.

Another feature of our program is that our classes are based upon a modular system. At any one time you will be taking only one class per month. It makes thing less stressful. I remember going to Hunter College in 1973 and taking three classes each semester. Having to study for three different subjects all at the same time. And having to take three mid-terms and three final exams, in a word stress full. Well we have made it much simpler. One class per month, still covering three classes or 12 academic credits per semester. Plus credit for attending the clinic portion of your program. Interested give us a call.

Our next class begins January 7th, 2008. To be eligible for that class you will need to be able to provide your documents that show 60 college credits or an AA degree. For further information call Joe Calareso at 305.595.9500