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5 Tips for Finding a New Career at 50

Written by Joe Calareso, Director of Admissions | August 16, 2016

1. Consider your calling

Changing careers later in life offers a great opportunity to move in a professional direction that aligns with your personal goals or desires. Paying the bills is important, but finding an avenue to do so that also satisfies you on a deeper level will make going to work every day a pleasure instead of a chore. "Take time now to determine what you want to do with your years ahead," writes career counselor James Gonyea for Monster"Explore your personality and what you need to be happy. This information is key to making good career decisions."

2. Review your requirements

What do you want out of the next stage of your career? It helps to make a list of what you need in terms of income, scheduling and attributes. List the things you don't want out of a job as well. If you aim to fulfill the following desires when finding a new career at 50, massage therapy or acupuncture make a great options:

  • Determine your hours and schedule
  • Be your own boss and take control of your professional life
  • Make a solid living that provides a stable lifestyle for you and your family
  • Help people by improving their health and wellbeing
  • Satisfy your need to follow your passion and have a rewarding career

3. Survey your skills

What are your professional and personal strengths? Maybe you have skills that your current job doesn't capitalize on. If you're finding a new career at 50, it's a great chance to actually put those talents to work. Some skills and attributes that make for great practitioners of alternative medical professions: Caring, compassion, a desire to help people, a knowledge or interest in the human body and wellness, the ability to create a soothing atmosphere, listening and communication skills, and strong and steady hands.

4. Ask for advice

If you have certain jobs in mind, don't be afraid to talk to the professionals who work in the industry. Find out more about the lifestyle and benefits, as well as potential drawbacks. See how well they match up with your list of needs. Industry associations, such as the American Massage Therapy Association, have a wealth of information on the field and its practitioners. The Acupuncture and Massage College also offers a host of advice and perspective — get our free eBook for more career information.

5. Take on the training

After deciding what vocations make the best career options for you at this exciting time of your life, find out the necessary education requirements and whether you can fit those into your schedule. The Acupuncture and Massage College, for example, offers programs in alternative medicine that fit into busy lifestyles. In two years or fewer, you can find yourself fully immersed in a new career.

To get started today, contact admissions at the Acupuncture & Massage College to schedule an appointment. Don't forget to also download our free eBook for a wealth of information on alternative medicine careers.