Blog | Acupuncture and Massage College | Miami, FL

Hear What Our Students Say - Why They Attend Massage School

Written by Dr. Renee Skuban, M.O.M., Acupuncture Physician | November 12, 2015

If you’re thinking of continuing your education, going back to school, or maybe just picking up a new skill, massage school might be for you. A degree in massage doesn’t require as great a financial or time commitment as many careers. In addition, careers in the industry offer flexibility, and the demand for massage therapists is growing year after year.

I asked some of our massage students here at AMC to give their top reasons why someone should attend massage school. Here’s what they had to say:

1. You'll help people.

We find that, as a whole, our students are a very empathetic group. They genuinely care for others and want to help them as much as they can. Having these qualities makes you a perfect candidate for a career in massage. You’ll be able to connect with patients and actually help them with your hands.

2. It can be a step forward in the healthcare field.

For people who are currently working in or hope to work in healthcare, massage is a skill that can be a useful complement to other occupations. Physical therapists, occupational therapists, trainers, acupuncturists and many other professionals working in physical wellness can benefit from knowledge of massage. The extensive education you receive on how the body and its muscles work is directly applicable to a variety of careers.

3. You can be your own boss.

Unsurprisingly, our students are pleased with the freedom they have because they attended massage school. They benefit from flexibility in both hours and work locations. Self-employed massage therapists make their own hours, choose when and where to travel and determine the number of clients they have. While being self-employed does require a fair amount of work at first, those who do so successfully find it very rewarding.

4. People tell you you're good with your hands.

While there isn’t any test that will tell you whether or not you’re good with your hands, you likely know if you are. Many of our students said others had praised their ability to work with their hands, their soothing touch or their skill at physical tasks involving their hands. If you find yourself on the receiving end of such comments, massage is a career that will make excellent use of your skills.

5. It’s a very rewarding occupation.

Having the sense of helping another person isn't a given in many careers. Our massage graduates say they find it rewarding to help another with their own hands and watch their progress. If you’re searching for a career that will give you the feeling of having a larger purpose, massage might be perfect for you. Not only are you helping others, you’re connecting with them, healing them with your own hands.

If you find the above reasons appeal to you, you may want to pursue a degree in massage.