Massage Therapy Schools in Florida: Find the Best

massage-therapy-schools-florida.jpgDo you live in Florida and have aspirations of entering the exciting and growing field of massage therapy? Or maybe you live elsewhere and envision yourself practicing massage therapy in a place with sun and an interest in holistic medicine and treatments.

Attending massage school in the state you intend to practice makes a lot of sense — your program will help prepare you for state licensing and have connections with local employers that can get you started in your career. You might be wondering about the best massage therapy schools Florida has to offer.


For any massage therapy school on your list of considerations, in Florida or another state, make sure the program has the proper accreditations. Don't waste your money at a fly-by-night program that won't teach you what you need to know or provide you with massage therapy certification that's accepted or respected in the field.

United States Department of Education (USDE): This federal agency ensures that postsecondary schools, including massage therapy schools, meet an acceptable level of education quality. Search the USDE database for a specific school or all schools in Florida.

The following are additional voluntary accreditation programs:

  • Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA)
  • National Accrediting Commission of Arts and Sciences (NACCAS)
  • Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)
  • Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES)

These programs are by no means required, but can be other indicators that your chosen Florida massage therapy school meets a certain level of quality.

School programs

Once you've found massage schools that are properly accredited, take into consideration other factors:

Location: Do you want to study, live and practice in the location of the school?

Specializations: Does the school offer a focus on a specific technique, such as Swedish massage, or offer an additional certification, such as Shiatsu massage?

Hands-on opportunities: Does the institution have a community clinic that provides students with real-world practice in massage before graduation?

Licensing prep: Does the program adequately prepare students to succeed at the licensing exams required by the Florida Board of Massage Therapy?

Resources for grads: Does the school have a great network and resources to place alumni in jobs?

The very best Florida massage therapy schools will meet all of these requirements.

The Acupuncture and Massage College in Miami offers massage therapy degrees that take less than a year to complete. Graduates receive a Shiatsu massage certification and perform treatments at the school's community clinic during their course of study. Call (305) 595-9500 for more information about enrollment.

Career In Massage

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